Do You Like To Write for Social Media Gids?

We're always looking for more brilliant contributors to join our guest blogging team.


If you have exceptional writing and/or design skills and would like to share your expertise with a large audience of entrepreneurs, digital marketers, (local) business owners, coaches and consultants like you, we'd love to hear from you.

A Few Benefits Why You Should Join SOCIAL MEDIA GIDS Guest Blogging Team

  • You will get many benefits from the Social Media Gids community which will widen your net & gain more followers;

  • You will stay up-to-date on topics in your niche;

  • The more you publish well-researched posts on a authority website like Social Media Gids, the more chances you’ll interact with other people;

  • People will recognize you as an expert within your industry;

  • The readers of guest posts on a authority website like Social Media Gids will turn a group of people who are already interested in your niche into repeated visitors. This method is way easier and cheaper than paid ads;

  • By regularly contribute to Social Media Gids that share the same niche as yours, guest blogging will help you build relationships with other bloggers;

  • We help you promote your webcast or podcast if you provide us with a video (eg. YouTube, Vimeo) or podcast link (eg. Stitcher, Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple) from your guest blog (or related to your submitted guest blog). We do this by referring at the beginning of the guest blog to the clickable links. (Check this example below);

        Promote your webcast or podcast
          • We help you improve search engine ranking by including your post with you’re short author bio, all your social channels, a link to all your guestblogs on Social Media Gids and one anchor text link to your own website/blog. (Check this example below). This surely drives referral traffic to you’re website/blog;

                Blogger: Gurby Bulo (Social Media Gids)
                  • Social media Gids community is spread around the globe. You have a chance to build new relationships with people near and far.

                  Please Take Some Time To Review

                          It should answer any question you have about what kind of content we're looking for and how the submission process works. Prior to submission you agree to be added to our Social Media Gids community and “like” and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We assume you do indeed like us if you want to guest blog for us. This is so we can cross-promote and tag each other on social media.

                          Join our FREE online marketing community and e-learning center and increase your sales and growth on your way to (financial) freedom.